Sometimes men are pretty clear about what they want. They don’t often play games, and if they don’t tell you what they want, it’s almost obvious by their actions.
However, there are plenty of things that men want that they won’t talk about, simply because they know it’s a social faux pas or they’re afraid of how you’ll react. Here are 17 things he wants, but will never, ever talk about.
Most guys like dirty sex. Like, really dirty, roll around on the
floor, tear your clothes off, can-barely-move-afterwards sex. But the
last thing you’ll hear come out of his mouth is that you’re not kinky
enough. Surprise him with a romp in the sheets that will knock his socks
off, or ask him what his fantasy is and do your best to play it out.
When you get to know how men operate and begin to anticipate what they want without them having to tell you (because let’s face it, guys don’t communicate well at all), your relationship will improve by leaps and bounds.
Guys always want more sex. Always. He’s just not going to tell you
because he doesn’t want you to feel forced into it. So just offer
While women tend to think that men want to be away from them when
they go out with their friends, just the opposite is true for men. He loves it
when you go out with your girlfriends! Women have emotional needs that
can really only be met by other women, and when you go shopping with
your gal pals or get together for dinner and a night out on the town,
you’re a much better girlfriend to him. Plus, it’s less likely that
he’ll have to be your shopping buddy because while he’s down with going
into Victoria’s Secret, he doesn’t want to be caught dead in Claire’s.
Although most guys will happily listen to their partners’ issues and
offer support when needed, what they really want is just for women to do
whatever it is that is going to make them happy. Want to change jobs?
Go for it! You already have his stamp of approval, because frankly, he’s
a little tired of listening to the complaints.
Nerdy guys who love playing video games secretly dream of sharing
that hobby with their girl. He wants you to be his comrade, and wants to
run through the woods shooting bad guys with you. If you play with him
even every once in awhile, it will bring you so much closer together as a
couple. Plus, he needs a healer.
Although society teaches women that they shouldn’t even leave the
house without makeup, it’s really only for their own benefit. Most guys
prefer the way a woman looks without makeup, and would rather you wear
less as opposed to more. But he’s not going to say so, because he knows
that women and makeup is a pretty touchy subject.
Guys like the chase, but it frustrates them to no end when it’s
nearly impossible to make a catch. If he’s chasing you, slow down every
once in awhile and let him catch up.
It may be tradition that the man leads the way in the bedroom, but he
doesn’t necessarily want it to be that way. He loves it when you make
the first move sometimes, however, he doesn’t want to offend you by
He knows you want the chocolate cake. Hell, he wants the
chocolate cake. And he doesn’t want you “just having one bite” from his,
because he knows he’ll have to part with half of it or more. He’d
rather you just order your own, so you can both have cake. He doesn’t care if it goes to your thighs.
Men who come from big families often want to have big families of
their own. They may not be content with just one dog, or two kids. They
may feel like five is the magic number, or maybe three or four. Either
way, he’s never going to ask you to make another human come out of your
vagina again unless you suggest it first. If dogs are your thing, let
him get his big “man” dog – the yippy puppy is cute, but so not for him.
He hates it when you nag him. He heard you the first time,
but has elected not to do whatever it is that you asked him to do, for
whatever reason that he doesn’t want to do it. Yes, it’s frustrating.
No, there’s nothing you can do about it and nagging him is just going to
drive him away.
He thinks you’re beautiful, why don’t you? Men will never understand a
woman’s obsession with beauty and he really just wants you to accept
yourself for how amazing you really are.
Sports (or video games) are a guy’s way of winding down after a tough
day or a tough week. If he wants to spend a Saturday watching the game
with a few beers, it absolutely does not mean he loves you any less. He
just needs some “him” time. So grab him another beer, kiss him on the
cheek and go do your own thing for awhile.
He doesn’t care if the drapes are rustic red or brick red, and he
doesn’t care if the photo you’re hanging should go on this wall or that
wall. He knows you’re going to do what you want anyways, so stop with
the pretenses and just enjoy yourself.
Guys crave one on one intimacy just as much as girls do, but they’re
often afraid to say it. He wants more time with just you, whether it’s a
conversation over coffee or catching the latest flick. Make time for
him and only him!
In his mind, you accepted him “as is” when you started dating him. So when you try to change him to suit your needs,
it really gets on his nerves. He’s less likely to tell you that it
bothers him than he is to just not do what you want him to do – which is
frustrating for both of you. Get to know him for who he is, and accept
and love him – or move on.
He hates it when you talk about your friends to your other friends.
Especially if you start talking to the first friend like you never said
anything about them at all. Just stop already! He’d much prefer that if
you didn’t have anything nice to say, not to say it at all.
culled from
However, there are plenty of things that men want that they won’t talk about, simply because they know it’s a social faux pas or they’re afraid of how you’ll react. Here are 17 things he wants, but will never, ever talk about.
17. He Wants the Sex to Be Dirtier
When you get to know how men operate and begin to anticipate what they want without them having to tell you (because let’s face it, guys don’t communicate well at all), your relationship will improve by leaps and bounds.
16. He Wants More Sex
15. He Wants You to Spend More Time With Your Friends
14. He Wants You to Do What Makes You Happy
13. He Wants You to Play Video Games With Him
12. He Wants You to Wear Less Makeup
11. He Wants to Chase You – But Not For It to Be Impossible
10. He Wants You to Make the First Move
9. He Wants You to Order Dessert
8. He Wants More Dogs (or Kids)
7. He Wants You to Stop Nagging Him So Much
6. He Wants You to Believe You’re Beautiful
5. He Wants You to Let Him Watch Sports
4. He Doesn’t Want to Help You Decorate
3. He Wants More Time Alone With You
2. He Wants You to Stop Trying to Change Him
1. He Wants You to Quit Gossiping
culled from
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