Friday, October 9, 2015

10 Of The Most Embarrassing Celebrity Social Media Feuds

10 Of The Most Embarrassing Celebrity Social Media Feuds

Sometimes it’s tempting to start a fight on social media. You have time to craft the perfect response to whatever they did or said that pissed you off, you don’t have to worry about the unpredictability of an in-person confrontation, and you can hide behind a computer screen and just ignore them when they end up shutting your argument down in 150 characters or less.
If you have a problem, it’s probably best to bring it up with someone face to face, or else you kind of look like a coward.
But celebrities do it all the time. They read some out of context quote a celebrity acquaintance made in reference to them and take it personally. Celebrities are all about throwing shade. It’s actually part of their marketing strategy. A good, solid social media feud can get them in the headlines for the day, and then people remember they exist, despite not landing a starring role or releasing any new music for the last 5 years.
Some celebrities get sucked into ridiculous feuds despite their best efforts, while others have a way of attracting the drama, and commenting before thinking. You can always delete a tweet, but chances are, it was already screen shotted and shared a million times. The internet doesn’t forget. Here are 10 social media feuds that probably had these celebs hanging their heads in shame.

10. Katy Perry vs. Taylor Swift

For all her talk about how important her female friends are to her and why they need to support each other, Taylor Swift sure likes to get into fights with other women. It’s no secret that she and Katy Perry have been enemies for awhile now, and her song “Bad Blood” is probably about their feud. Whether it was started by John Mayer (they’ve both dated him), or some drama involving Katy stealing back up dancers away from Taylor’s tour, the two went from friends to enemies pretty quick.
After Taylor talked about their feud in a Rolling Stone magazine interview (but never mentioned Katy by name), Katy tweeted, “watch out for the Regina George in sheep’s clothing”. She also got involved in the Minaj vs. Swift feud, with the tweet “Finding it ironic to parade the pit against other women argument about as one unmeasurably capitalizes on the takedown of a woman.” Although the tweet barely makes sense, it’s pretty clear who it’s directed towards. The embarrassing thing about their feud is they never speak directly to each other, they just tweet veiled insults, and let everyone speculate. Or maybe it’s all just a publicity stunt.

9. Diplo vs. Lorde

After Diplo (who was reportedly dating Taylor Swift‘s arch nemesis, Katy Perry) tweeted “Someone should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty,” one of Taylor’s main squad members, Lorde, came to her defense. Someone actually started a campaign on Fundly to supposedly raise money for Taylor’s butt implants, which Diplo tweeted out the link for. Lorde saw that and responded with “@diplo should we do something about your tiny penis while we’re at it hm”. Diplo never responded, which is for the best, because he was shut down by an 18-year-old. No coming back from that.

8. T.I. vs. Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks has never been known for thinking before she speaks, and her comments have become increasingly offensive lately. One of her more high profile beefs has been with Iggy Azalea and T.I. First she accused Iggy of cultural appropriation, and questioned whether she deserved to be on XXL‘s annual freshman cover. T.I jumped in and defended his protege, which wasn’t exactly helpful. Later, Banks took a couple cheap shots at T.I’s wife, saying she had “meth mouth” and T.I hit back saying “If you speak ill of my family again… I WILL END YOU.” Basically, Banks doesn’t know when to step back and stop talking, and her social media rants are unlikely to stop any time soon.

7. Miley Cyrus vs. Sinead O’Connor

It all started when Miley Cyrus told Rolling Stone magazine that Sinead O’Connor‘s emotional video for “Nothing Compares 2 U” inspired her own video for “Wrecking Ball”. Instead of being flattered, O’Connor wrote Cyrus an open letter urging Miley to think twice about the image she was portraying. “Nothing but harm will come in the long run, from allowing yourself to be exploited,” O’Connor wrote, “and it is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent.”
Miley responded by referring back to Sinead’s past mental health problems, especially the SNL appearance where she ripped a photo of the Pope in half. O’Connor went on to write Cyrus at least four more open letters, which Miley ignored. Sorry, Sinead, Miley clearly isn’t interested in your advice, but she did take some heat for mocking mental illness openly.

6. Chris Brown vs. Miranda Lambert

Chris Brown and Miranda Lambert don’t have much in common other than they are both in the music business. But that hasn’t stopped them from fighting over social media. After Brown performed twice at the Grammy’s in 2012, Lambert tweeted “Chris Brown twice? I don’t get it. He beat on a girl … Not cool that we act like that didn’t happen.” She also held up a sign that said “Chris Brown, take notes” during a performance of her song “Gunpowder and Lead” which is about domestic violence.
Brown responded with “Using my name to get publicity? I love it! Perform your heart out!” adding sarcastically, “Go buy @miranda_lambert album! So motivational and ‘PERFECT’!” Brown may be trying to move on from what happened with Rihanna (and even she seems to have forgiven him), but that doesn’t mean everyone else will forget.

5. Jon Hamm vs. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian takes a lot of criticism for the way she got famous– a sex tape followed by a reality show. Mad Men‘s Jon Hamm made a comment in an interview with ELLE UK about society’s obsession with celebrities. “Whether it’s Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated,” he told the magazine. “Being a f–king idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you’re rewarded significantly.”
Kim responded by posting on Twitter “Calling someone who runs their own businesses, is a part of a successful TV show, produces, writes, designs, and creates, ‘stupid,’ is in my opinion careless.” But Hamm didn’t back down. He continued to express his opinion on the social media brand of celebrity and made it clear that he doesn’t understand or respect it. The fact that Hamm expressed his opinion in actual magazine and TV interviews, while Kim just responded on social media says it all.

4. Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift

Earlier this year, after the MTV Video Music Award nominations were announced, Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to discuss her disappointment over the lack of diversity. Taylor Swift‘s video for “Bad Blood” was nominated for Video of the Year, while Nicki’s “Anaconda” video was snubbed. Nicki tweeted, “If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year.”
Taylor took the comment personally and responded with, “I’ve done nothing but love & support you. It’s unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your slot.” The feud continued, with everyone from Ed Sheeran to Katy Perry jumping in. Eventually Taylor apologized, tweeting, “I thought I was being called out. I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I’m sorry, Nicki.” At least Taylor had the sense to publicly apologize.

3. LeAnn Rimes vs. Brandi Glanville

There isn’t much worse than a feud that was started over a guy. Ever since LeAnn Rimes stole Brandi Glanville‘s husband, Eddie Cibrian, right out from under her, the two ladies haven’t been on friendly terms. And for good reason. Glanville, who was on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills hasn’t been shy about airing her dirty laundry all over the media, and she mentioned that she’d welcome Rimes onto the reality show.
Glanville has two sons with Cibrian, and now Rimes is their step mother, so that must make for some uncomfortable moments. But Rimes and Glanville claim they want what’s best for the kids, but that doesn’t stop them from posting vaguely insulting tweets directed at each other. Who knows what goes on between then in person, but they’ve been passive aggressively Twitter-fighting for years. It can’t be easy to see another woman raising your kids, but posting about it on social media isn’t exactly helping either.

2. Rihanna vs. Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes started using social media as a way to insult everyone that rubbed her the wrong way around the same time her mental issues rose to the surface. It’s been reported that she’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, but neither one can be confirmed for sure. In 2013, she took aim at Rihanna for no obvious reason, tweeting things like “No one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my new dog Rihanna” and “Chris Brown beat you because you aren’t pretty enough.”
Rihanna replied with “Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention”. Amanda also called Chrissy Teigen, Jay-Z, Miley Cyrus, and Drake, among many others, ugly on Twitter. So, it kind of got to the point where her insults meant nothing.

1. Rita Ora vs. Rob Kardashian

British singer Rita Ora and Rob Kardashian dated for no longer than one year, and it didn’t end well. After they broke up Rob tweeted “She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together, I wonder how many she will sleep with now that we apart? But I mean 20?!!!” and “How can a woman who is so busy trying to start her own career have time to be with so many dudes all while in a relationship?!” While he never mentioned her by name, it was pretty clear who he was talking about.
Months later, Ora addressed his tweets, saying “I never actually thought it was a relationship in all honesty. I never mentally defined it as boyfriend/girlfriend. When I split up with him I said ‘It’s because I’m never there, I don’t know how to do it.’ That’s all I said… then the rest happened.” That’s how a one-sided relationship leads to a one-sided Twitter feud.

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