10 New Features Of Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Two days ago, Google just confirmed that their next Android version 6.0 which was known as Android M until recently would be officially called Android Marshmallow 6.0. We thought of bringing you an article that highlighted 10 of the main new features that the new version of Android brings.
Listed below are the new features and improvements. Note that they
aren’t placed in any order as such and do not denote their significance.
The importance of any feature depends on what a particular user wants
from his/her device.
1. Google Now on Tap
‘Now on Tap’ is the latest feature addition to Google Now. What is
basically does is show you contextual information in one click. Most
often, it becomes quite difficult to access certain information or
complete a task while you are in the middle of doing something else.
This is where “now on tap” steps in. By making Google Now smarter,
Google is now able to offer the user contextual information based on
what you are doing just by tapping and holding the home button.
2.App Permissions
Currently, on Android, users are forced to accept all permissions that
an application asks for if they want to install it. That could mean
granting some apps access to stuff that really isn’t required by them
and it puts your data at risk. This is one of the ways spyware and spam
apps exploit permissions to gain access to the user’s data. However with
Android Marshmallow, users can now choose to deny a specific permission
for an app while approving others and still manage to install and use
the app as they normally would. You can even change the permissions that
you want to deny or allow later on for example when you are downloading
an update for an app with added features.
3. Android Pay
Google is revamping their mobile payment service in order to compete
with the likes of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. Users can use their phone’s
NFC capability to make a transaction simply by tapping their phone onto
a supporting terminal. Google Pay gives users a virtual account number
and thus protects your actual number from being used and falling into
the wrong hands. Google claims that the service will work with over
700,000 retailers in USA and that it is compatible with existing debit
and credit cards. Google is also now allowing developers to integrate
Android Pay into their own applications to make it easier and faster for
4. Native Fingerprint Support
With the increasing trend of smartphones with fingerprint sensors and
the growing need for higher security, Google has chosen to include
native fingerprint support in Marshmallow. Apart from allowing users to
unlock their phones, the fingerprint sensor can be used to authorise
payments on Android Pay and other apps.
5. Doze
One of the primary concerns for most consumers these days is the battery
life on their smartphones. While technology is improving in leaps and
bounds, the battery consumption of these devices are also increasing and
as a result most phones nowadays barely make it through a day of use.
Doze is a new feature that aims to solve or mitigate this issue to a
certain extent by reducing the power consumed by the device when in idle
state. Google claims to have achieved a battery life thats twice as
long on the Nexus 9 using Doze. This is done by minimising the
background processes when not in use. However, users do not need to fear
about missing calls, alarms and other notifications as these will still
be active and functioning even with Doze doing its work.
6. USB Type-C Support
Although we have just started seeing USB Type-C being implemented in
phones; most recently the OnePlus 2, it is good to see that Google is
keen on implementing support for newer and better technological
standards. USB Type-C will allow support for much faster charging as
opposed to the current microUSB standard and it is also hassle-free as
it can be plugged into the phone in any direction unlike microUSB.
Google claims that if optimised, USB Type-C will allows upto 3-5 times
faster charging speeds than current microUSB charging cables.
7. RAM Manager
There is a new and updated RAM Manager in the settings menu that lets
the user see what the average amounts of RAM being used over a specific
duration. The ser can choose from 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours or one day.
It also rates the performance and shows you the amount of free RAM. You
can also view the applications and the amount of RAM they use in
8. Network Settings Reset
Just like resetting your phone, there is a new setting in the Backup and
Reset menu on Marshmallow that allows users to reset just the network
settings on their smartphones. This includes all Wi-Fi, Cellular Data as
well as Bluetooth settings which can all be erased together in one
single step. So if the network settings is all that you wish to clear,
you can do so without having to reset the phone itself.
9. Rotating Homescreen
If you’re thinking that this is a feature that has always been there
then take out your phone and try it. Up until Lollipop, Android phones
do not allow the homescreen to be viewed in the landscape mode even when
auto-rotate function has been enabled. Thankfully, Marshmallow allows
users to view their phone homescreen in both landscape as well as in
portrait mode.
10. Ability to Choose Status Bar Icons
This is probably one of the simplest additions to Android 6.0
Marshmallow but it does go a long way in improving the user’s
experience. Marshmallow will allow users to customise what status bar
icons they need and which ones they don’t. For example, a person might
need an alarm icon to notify him that there is an alarm thats currently
active however he might not need a status bar icon telling him that his
Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is turned on especially if he/she is someone who has
both of these turned on all the time. Thus this feature helps to
eliminate unwanted icons from the status bar and give space for other
icons to show up.
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